Life Insurance Agent Opportunity

Protecting family's future financial against life's uncertainties. Are you ready to help family protect their loved ones? If so, here's your opportunity...

Our mission is to provide you with the most competitive products and BOOKED pre-qualified appointments



REMOTE: Work from home, virtually anywhere...

ESTIMATED SALARY: $84,000 - $144,000+/YEAR (Example: 1 policy /day average = 30 plicies per month X $100 per policy X 12 months advance X 50%commission = $18,000/month) This is the starting point...

TYPE OF PAY: Commission - pay daily or weekly directly from the insurance carrier.

OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION: We are a team of life insurance agents with the passion to help families secure their most precious assets. Join us and let's help one family at a time - earn as you learn.

PRE-QUALIFIED LEADS SYSTEM (COMING SOON) - We drive traffic to your funnel that's design for you exclusively, and book appointments to your calendar. With our advanced CRM system - A fully functional system to manage your leads and client funnel, including your very own business phone line and SMS system, track your pipeline from lead to client, manage, reminder for task dues, follow up automation, etc...(Just to name a few).

Our goal is for you to earn $7,000 - $12,000 per month consistently within your first 90 days.

As our agent, you will be responsible for contacting leads that are assigned to you and close the deal from start to finish in the confort of your home - mostly over the phone and Zoom.


  • 2+ Years of sales experience is preferrable - no license is necessary as we can provide you instruction and training to obtian your license.

  • Friendly and approachable personality

  • Positive and professional attitude

  • Put your clients first and serve them well for years to come

  • Follow up through CRM system and work diligently with prospective clients to complete the sale - the rest is automation.

  • Able to move prospective clients from open stage to the completed stage of the CRM, and leave note each time update is available.

  • Manage pending businesses and update with clients along the way to keep clients up to date

  • Top-notch client service - policy delivery is the starting point of a long-term relationship

  • Training and support is available as needed.

If you can see yourself in this position, please click the button below and submit your resume. You will be contacted shortly...



Licensed: CA, MN, OK, AR, MO, WI

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